Evaluates the curve at point t for points a, b, c, d. The parameter t may range from 0 (the start of the curve) and 1 (the end of the curve). a and d are the control points, and b and c are points on the curve. As seen in the example above, this can be used once with the x coordinates and a second time with the y coordinates to get the location of a curve at t.
size(400,400); noFill(); curve(20, 104, 20, 104, 292, 96, 292, 244); curve(20, 104, 292, 96, 292, 244, 60, 260); fill(255); ellipseMode(CENTER); int steps = 6; for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { float t = i / float(steps); float x = curvePoint(20, 20, 292, 292, t); float y = curvePoint(104, 104, 96, 244, t); ellipse(x, y, 10, 10); x = curvePoint(20, 292, 292, 60, t); y = curvePoint(104, 96, 244, 260, t); ellipse(x, y, 10, 10); }
curvePoint(a, b, c, d, t)
coordinate of first control pointb
coordinate of first point on the curvec
coordinate of second point on the curved
coordinate of second control pointt
value between 0 and 1

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