Acceleration with Vectors

by Daniel Shiffman

Demonstration of the basics of motion with vector. A 'Mover' object stores location, velocity, and acceleration as vectors. The motion is controlled by affecting the acceleration (in this case towards the mouse).

 * Acceleration with Vectors 
 * by Daniel Shiffman.  
 * Demonstration of the basics of motion with vector.
 * A "Mover" object stores location, velocity, and 
 * acceleration as vectors. The motion is controlled by 
 * affecting the acceleration (in this case towards the mouse).

// A Mover object
Mover mover;

void setup() {
  mover = new Mover(); 

void draw() {
  // Update the location
  // Display the Mover

 * Acceleration with Vectors 
 * by Daniel Shiffman.  
 * Demonstration of the basics of motion with vector.
 * A "Mover" object stores location, velocity, and acceleration as vectors
 * The motion is controlled by affecting the acceleration (in this case towards the mouse)

class Mover {

  // The Mover tracks location, velocity, and acceleration 
  PVector location;
  PVector velocity;
  PVector acceleration;
  // The Mover's maximum speed
  float topspeed;

  Mover() {
    // Start in the center
    location = new PVector(width/2,height/2);
    velocity = new PVector(0,0);
    topspeed = 5;

  void update() {
    // Compute a vector that points from location to mouse
    PVector mouse = new PVector(mouseX,mouseY);
    PVector acceleration = PVector.sub(mouse,location);
    // Set magnitude of acceleration
    // Velocity changes according to acceleration
    // Limit the velocity by topspeed
    // Location changes by velocity

  void display() {


Related Examples

This example is for Processing 4+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know.