Class Name



A HashMap stores a collection of objects, each referenced by a key. This is similar to an Array, only instead of accessing elements with a numeric index, a String is used. (If you are familiar with associative arrays from other languages, this is the same idea.) The above example covers basic use, but there's a more extensive example included with the Processing examples. In addition, for simple pairings of Strings and integers, Strings and floats, or Strings and Strings, you can now use the simpler IntDict, FloatDict, and StringDict classes.

For a list of the numerous HashMap features, please read the Java reference description.


  • import java.util.Map;
    // Note the HashMap's "key" is a String and "value" is an Integer
    HashMap<String,Integer> hm = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
    // Putting key-value pairs in the HashMap
    hm.put("Ava", 1);
    hm.put("Cait", 35);
    hm.put("Casey", 36);
    // Using an enhanced loop to iterate over each entry
    for (Map.Entry me : hm.entrySet()) {
      print(me.getKey() + " is ");
    // We can also access values by their key
    int val = hm.get("Casey");
    println("Casey is " + val);


  • HashMap<Key, Value>()
  • HashMap<Key, Value>(initialCapacity)
  • HashMap<Key, Value>(initialCapacity, loadFactor)
  • HashMap<Key, Value>(m)


  • KeyClass Name: the data type for the HashMap's keys
  • ValueClass Name: the data type for the HashMap's values
  • initialCapacityint: defines the initial capacity of the map; the default is 16
  • loadFactorfloat: the load factor for the map; the default is 0.75
  • mMap: gives the new HashMap the same mappings as this Map